Today’s post is
going to be slightly off topic. Just slightly. But it is also going to be the
most important post I’ve ever written. This rant has been forming for a few
years now, but it took a little nudge from a column I read this past weekend to
get me to finally commit my thoughts to the blogosphere.
Sunday’s New
York Times ran a humorous opinion column by Jon Methven on the disappearing art
of daydreaming and how we would all be much healthier in body and spirit if we
occasionally indulged. As writers, you daydream. I know you do. Writers must
daydream or nothing would ever be written. It is where we mine our imaginations
and discover new characters and stories.
But, sadly, over
the past five years or so I have met many, many people who have no imagination
and cannot understand the meaning of imagination, what it is, why it is good,
or what a person should do with it. And they rarely daydream, in the way you
and I might daydream. These people have all
been seven or eight years old. They have been my second grade students. And
they are missing that integral piece of humanity and most importantly of
childhood: imagination.
In his column
Methven points to our plugged-in society, always connected to technology, as
one reason for the current dearth of daydreaming. Think about it. When we stand
in line at the store we don’t let our minds wander to places unknown, no, we
take out our phones and check our email, or text someone, or try to kill little
piggies with flying birds. And as sad as that is, with our adult, fully formed
brains, it is much more frightening when it is our young children with their
still-forming brains.
I know from
listening to my students that playing outside is a rare occurrence. Playing a
make-believe game more rare. Sitting and staring into space and wondering what
is on the other side of the end of the universe? Never. They are too busy
playing the latest video games. They are always plugged in. And when they
aren’t plugged in they are being shuttled to soccer, dance lessons, scouts,
Chinese lessons, karate class, piano lessons, baseball, art class, the list
This lack of
imagination started showing up during writing lessons, about five or six years
ago. I’ve always prided myself with giving my students exciting, fun writing
prompts. For years my students would write and write about the prompt, weaving
together wonderful stories they were proud to share. But not today. Now I’m met
with a chorus of “I don’t know what to write!” Or worse yet, children who
simply sit and stare at the paper, utterly confused by the concept of using
their imaginations to create a story.
So, I would sit
with individual students and ask questions that I hoped would spark some
creativity. I’d ask lots of What If questions. Or Have You Ever questions. But,
no. Nothing would work.
imagination is necessary for the creative arts like writing, it is also
necessary for all of the sciences that improve our lives. Scientists of every
type help save lives, improve lives, and protect lives by asking What If
questions. By using their fertile imaginations. By daydreaming.
For today’s
children to grow up and become the people who find the cure for cancer, or end
global warming, or discover ways to feed our world’s growing population, or
write the Great American Novel they must possess rich imaginations. They must
learn to sit and wonder. To think. To play make-believe. And for that to happen
the adults in their lives must provide the time to allow thinking, wondering,
questioning. The adults must unplug their children and stop overscheduling
A few years back
I started ending every Back To School Night speech with my talk about avoiding
overscheduling children. I had seen plenty of stressed out little children who
had a hard time focusing in school, and I simply had to tell the parents what
their well-meaning super-scheduling was doing to their children.
But now I see it
as reaching crisis level. I fear imagination is becoming endangered by our
children’s overuse of technology, eg. video games, and by overscheduling their
precious little free time.
If you made it
to the end of this rant, you know I feel very strongly about this issue. Please
send this link to parents you think may benefit from the message. Bring up the
topic at dinner tonight. Mention it at Tommy’s baseball game tomorrow. Please
just spread the word.
Thank you.